I'm very excited to tell you about my new teleclass to help you recognize the signs of stress, and how to relieve it fast. I'll be telling you about the newest research that will both surprise and empower you to get control and improve your life.
♥ Is the pressure of the economy making your wonder how “safe” your future might be? Does watching or hearing the news make you feel scared or hopeless about the future?
♥ Are you continuously “needing to” do the “should’s, “have to’s, and other responsibilities
♥ Do you have a diagnosis of a health condition that is necessitating you make changes in your lifestyle.
♥ Are you dealing with relationship woes at home or work that is like being on a runaway rollercoaster ride.
You may already have an unrealized physical reaction induced by the stressors in your life!
According to the American Institute of Stress, 75-90% of all visits to doctors are the result from stress related disorders!
This weekly class will give you new insights into what stress is doing to your health (and maybe your waistline as well!). Each call will include a Q & A session.
As a BONUS, you get to email Lianda for any question you didn’t get answered on the call. And as a SECOND BONUS: you will receive one “laser coaching” one on one call during the program to address your most pressing issue.
Your investment toward stress-free living is only
$149 Beginning Wed. evening, May 19th - 6:30 pm
Early bird special (pay by May 14th for discounted rate $97)
“Lianda gives me hope and a sense of calm. I immediately felt more relaxed. In fact, this technique helped me speak with the executive director in a calm manner while discussing strong content. I feel uplifted and ready for the next challenge” Roseann S.L. Alaska
“I am amazed at how Lianda's coaching gets right to the core of my issue and calms me. When I’m stressed, I need help seeing what's really bothering me, and Lianda's insight makes things clearer. Now I feel more able to get to the “Heart of the matter”! Karen S. Tucson, AZ
Aren’t you worth it?
Don't worry if you're not available each week. A recording will be available for you, and remember, you can email me your question if you don't want to ask during the call.
Any questions, just write, and I'll be happy to answer.