
Why that Heart & Compass?

You know it in your heart.  When you're upset, worried, anxious, depressed, not sleeping, it's because you're heartsick!

From the beginning of recorded human history, people have referred to the "Heart" as more than just a pump for blood in our bodies.  Did you know that the 1st sign of life in a fetus is a beating heart: and that's BEFORE there's even a brainstem!  We speak of of heart metaphorically in language:  I love you with all my heart, I'm heartbroken, I'm speaking to you from my heart....
Why don't we say: I love you with all my liver, I'm brain-broken, I'm speaking to you from my kidneys?

The fact is, our heart IS our center, and it's been shown to physiologically be the control tower of our bodies.  No, it's not your brain - because you can be brain dead (I'm not being funny here) and your heart goes on beating!  Now that I'm thinking about it, I do know some brain dead people....  but they're politicians!  (ok - now I'm kidding)

So why am I telling you this? Because when you are feeling stress, your heartbeat is disorganized, the rest of the body follows along.  It's like you have your foot on the gas pedal and the brake at the same time.  It's a jerky, and unsafe ride.  That's what happens to our body when we're under stress!
There's a lot of scientific jargon behind how and why this is happening, but I'm assuming that you don't want to read about it now.  The bottom line is: what can you do about it?  How can you make a smooth ride, and have your body's systems following a calm pattern?

That's where I come in with Heartfelt Stress Relief.  I can help you to achieve that state of calm by changing your heart rate variability just by using your heart as a compass, and focusing on appreciation.  Yah, yah you might be saying: "how can you prove to me that  it works?"  You will feel it!  And if you're one of the kind of people like me who need to see proof, I have a biofeedback type of device  that shows you in "real time" - as you're doing this technique that your heart changes, and you WILL feel the difference!

And that translates into less stress, better & deeper sleep, better communication = better relationships, lowered blood pressure, control of uncontrolled eating, eased pain..... and so much more! This has been PROVEN to work - and fast!

If you'd like a demonstration, just write and I'll show you how this can change your life right now.  Why wait? Why become reliant on medication when you have the power to do this for yourself?  Why suffer when you can use your heart as the road map to better health and well-being?  Don't wait, let's have a "heart to heart" talk -

from the heart,


Relationship between Stress and Health

Read below (and then email me to arrange for your appointment)

There is so much that has been written about the relationship of stress and illness.  But truly, we probably all know about that intuitively.  We say things like, “this is making me sick”, describe a situation as a “pain in the neck”, a sad event as “heartbreaking”, and use many other expressions to link our emotional state with our health.  But have you actually looked at your own health to see if you have become sick in times when you have been under the most stress?  

Conversely, have you thought about the effect of being sick during a time “you could least afford it”, and how your fighting illness affected the intensity or duration of your illness? 

Stress creates physical responses in your body with the release of the stress hormone cortisol into your autonomic nervous system.  Cortisol is the culprit in heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, thinning of bones, loss of muscle mass, increase in belly fat, decrease in hair!  According to the American Institute of Stress, 75-90% of all visits to doctors result from stress related disorders!  Accumulated over time habitual stress can depress you, burn you out, make you sick or even kill you!

Have you been told to reduce stress,
tried and seem to be on a treadmill you can’t get off?

Right now, I’m doing an survey to assess the level of personal awareness of the effect of worry, anxiety and or stress on your perceived level of health.  During this short call, participants will be taught a new stress relief technique to experience.  This technique is one that has been rigorously studied in scientific experiments and shown to work quickly and effectively. I will teach you this technique at the end of the survey, and you will feel an immediate relief.  Then you'll be able to practice it on your own and see how it works for you.

Also, helping others is a great way to relieve stress, so know that you'll be helping me as well.  Please email me with your name (first is ok, phone number, time zone, and when it's a good time to call you).  I'll look forward to meeting you during our call!

Thanks from the heart,