Being a counselor/coach and a calligrapher, I have always found motivational quotes to be inspirational. Over the years I have collected my favorites, and even found myself coming up quotable comments that others have used. These statements are what I call: "Words To Live By". They are literally words that you want near you all the time. They remind, motivate, inspire and keep us on the right path in our lives.
I'm going to share one of my favorite quotes weekly. And, I'm not only going to write the quote, but a short explanation from a counselor or coach's perspective AND I'm going to write the quote in calligraphy and post that as well. That way you'll have meaningful quotes that are also beautiful calligraphy! If you like the quote, you can write to me and purchase a digital download of my Words To Live By to post to your refrigerator, put by your desk, or to stick on your bathroom mirror.
If you have a quote that you love feel free to share it with me. If I choose to calligraph the quote, I'll send you a free digital download for your personal use. So, be thinking about what words have power in your life. Remember, "The Pen is Mightier than the Sword"!
In some ways, that's a perfect quote to start with. What does it say to me? It tells me that words have the power to change everything from governments, using the power of the criticism combined with the press; to changing individuals, from the power of realization of Truth. These changes do not have to be made with the threat of violence because the words alone have the power to force change.
Because this blog is essentially coaching for ourselves as individuals, I'm going to focus on the effect of words that we use for ourselves and in relationships, not for political change. What comes to mind for me has to do with the power of words in communication with our partners (spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend) family, friends, co-workers, and acquaintances.
I also think about the power of words on our personal health; such as these way we use words to describe ourselves: "I'm depressed", "I'm fat", "I'm a loser", etc.. Our words reinforce this belief, and our body reacts to this continuing barrage of negative statements with corresponding changes in our health! This is thoroughly researched and documented. That's one of the reasons I spend much of my coaching time teaching people about the power of positive affirmations.
Then there's the effect of words spoken in anger. Think about how once these words are said out loud, they can NEVER be taken back. Apology or not, the person has heard what you have said, and the more cutting the words, the less likely they will ever be forgotten. I'm certain that you can remember the worst things that people have ever said to or about you.
That is an important reminder about gossip and spreading rumors. Before you use the power of words, think about the effect they may have on others. What is your reason for speaking negatively about others? Would you use those words directly to that person, and what are you wanting to accomplish by speaking those words? (more on anger and healthy ways to communicate in future posts).
So, as a first post, I want to encourage you to think about the power of your words BEFORE you speak. Think about how you have to power to encourage, support, engage, strengthen the person to whom you are speaking. AND you also have the power to destroy with the words you choose to use.
Think first before speaking: Who am I, and how do I see myself if I use those powerful words? Am I speaking with integrity? If you have made the right choice, then make sure you say something nice to yourself about the choice you have made to be positive and caring. Remember these words don’t have to be said out loud or directed to someone else – the words we think about and say silently about OURSELVES are just as profound.
From the heart,