
The Tapping World Summit: Not a Dance!

I have been spending some quality time listening to some of the world's top experts speak about their area of meridian tapping.  What's that?  Some people know the term EFT: Emotional Freedom Technique, and there are other titles for the same process.

I'm only going to give a quick basic answer because you'll be able to listen to recordings of some of the top practitioners explain what it is and how it works.  Pay particular attention to the message from scientist Bruce Lipton, and Joe Vitale, of The Secret.

The most important thing to know is that Meridian Tapping works on the same principle of acupuncture, clearing the meridian paths to allow the flow of better patterns of energy.
Our thoughts produce energy; and self-limiting beliefs can lead to emotional patterns of anxiety, sadness, depression; that in turn can also produce illness in our bodies.

These presentations are invaluable and FREE.  Yes, I said FREE!  You can listen and benefit immediately!  You will be totally amazed by the "stuff" that rises to the surface when you start tapping and releasing old thoughts that you didn't realize existed, and are the foundation by which you live your life, make decisions, see the world.   It is like seeing the bottom of the iceberg.  But, you can banish it with tapping.  Yes, you can!

There's also tapping (Dr. Patricia Carrington) that follows the Law of Attraction.  It's focus is on tapping in the wonderful feeling and reinforcing them, so as to create more like moments.

Enough of my words:  Go listen!  Write and tell me how you've benefitted!


Art Preferences, Opinion and Personal Responsibility

"You're the artist, you decide", some of my clients tell me. I can certainly make decisions about a calligraphy layout that can fit many people's preferences, but I think that everyone must realize that they DO have a preference. Even little children know what colors and kinds of clothes they like to wear. Within any decision, there is room for your personal preference.

It's not about being right or wrong. It's about honoring your unique view of the world. Yes, art can be expressed in countless ways, and to give over that choice to someone else is negating the importance of your vision. Many people say to me "I'm not creative, I don't know what's the best decision; I don't know what I like." But just think about it, if you are buying something for yourself, unless you will not be using or seeing your purchase, it will be part of your life. You might as well put some of yourself into that decision and LEARN about your preferences.

An unexamined life is not worth living.

Socrates, in Plato

Personal choice is one of the most important characteristics of our lives as human beings. Unlike animals that live primarily by instincts, we get to choose our path through life. Whether the choice works out the way we had envisioned or not, and what we tell ourselves about our choices is a determining factor as to how we define our lives: happy, successful, or whatever terms we use. People who have strong self-esteem are willing to take personal responsibility and make choices; and accept and deal with the consequences.

Getting back to art and calligraphy, many times the choice that you are being asked to make is about a decision for a gift. Oftentimes I find people making a choice based upon their own preferences rather than the preference of the person receiving a gift! That's probably not the best way to make a choice for your recipient. Think about THEIR preferences instead! If you don't know, maybe that's an indication you need to learn more about that person! Think about the clothes they wear, the colors they prefer, even their food choices can tell you something about them! You can also ask them questions and find out things about them that make you feel closer to them! It's a great opportunity.  And if you get them a gift that really fits their preferences, they will appreciate it even more!  (that's why I have custom gift choices available on my website)

So here's my latest calligraphy border that I would describe as "Contemporary and Colorful". See if that's something that you like, or get to know your preferences - do you like something more traditional, historical, muted colors, or pastels? Honor your opinions, but don't get stuck and stubborn. Being open to considering other choices is a sign of healthy flexibility. And please, realize that there is no right or wrong - If someone doesn't like this border design, I know, it is THEIR opinion, not a statement about my self-worth! How much better we could all get along if we realized that statements from others are simply their opinion and no reason for disagreement or anger!

So, those are my Words To Live By for now!