STRESS: anxiety, worry, tension, agitation, anger...
and other similar feelings can make you feel like you’re “driving with your foot on the gas pedal and the brake” at the same time. Just think about this: Stress is telling you something: your HEART and MIND are have a disagreement about some situation in your life. Your head may be saying: go fast, while your heart says go slow…. The result is unresolved STRESS!
You may think “I’m sick, it’s not stress!”
It’s not like you chose to make yourself sick deliberately. Your illness may very likely be caused by a continual stress in your life that has become a literal pain in your ______ (you can fill in the blank with the place where your problem resides) …..
your doctor or health practitioner may even have given you a pill to help you relax along with the other medications for your symptoms. Doctors oftentimes don’t tell you that your stress has gotten you sick, or is possibly making your illness worse. They may tell you that if you relax, you’ll feel better. They don’t want to add to your anxiety, or make you think that they think you’re a hypochondriac. You’re NOT. You feel bad! Stress is your body’s gift: It is telling you an important message: Pay Attention!
Your anxiety, worry, tension, fear, agitation, depression, pain in the neck, headache, panic attacks, chest tightness and many other possible symptoms are telling you:There’s a disconnect between the way you are living your life,
and they way you WANT to be living your life!
Until you start paying attention to your body’s warnings, you may spend a lot more money going to other doctors to try to figure out why you’re getting more and more symptoms!
If you want to "get rid of your stress reaction" you must be able to find the cause of the stress. When you are finally ready to find that "truth", face it and deal with it, so you can live in Integrity, the way you WANT to be in your heart, contact me. I will help you listen for, and find your heart's message, and get you on the smooth road to living a stress relieved life.