The one thing in common that is missing is the answer to wrinkles that we "know in our hearts". Wrinkles are caused by holding our muscles in a particular expression over time. Yes, that "old wives tale" is true! Worry causes tightening of muscles groups in your face that will create lines over time. Smiling will also create wrinkles - but which ones would you rather have?
So, instead of suggesting that buy a particularly good wrinkle potion, I'm going to suggest an alternative form of wrinkle prevention. STOP WORRYING!
"Worrying is like pre-paying a toll for a bridge you may never cross!"
When you pay attention in the moment to your emotions and how you are feeling, close your eyes and focus on where you hold tension in your body. Most people feel tension in their shoulders. But this may be the most interesting thing of all: there is also an expression on your face that shows inner tension, or fear (or any emotion for that matter!). To me, this is the most interesting thing of all. Research shows that there is a feedback loop: if you hold that expression on your face, the rest of your body responds to that expression and you start feeling the emotion. That means if you smile, you'll FEEL HAPPIER!!!
What does this mean and how can this help us? If you've been responding to events in your life with worry, or tension, look at your face. Have you habitually been holding this expression on your face? Do you already have wrinkles that are etched into your face? Pay attention to the tight feelings in your face. Then reduce them by focusing on joy, happiness and good memories. You will feel an immediate change from the tight band across your forehead, the tightening of your eyes to a loosened relaxation in your face.
Yes, by focusing on joy, you change your facial expression, and that has an effect on not only your wrinkles, but on your autonomic nervous system, and your health!
To learn more about bring emotional well-being, and getting a great side effect of stopping the creation of worry wrinkles, get in touch with me for Heartfelt Stress Relief!
from the heart,